Good things come in narrow packages
It really is, just a bit amazing how much we learn from our mistakes, and how many "mistakes" turn out looking the best.

This method of model building is not recommended by me, or The Gauge, as it has a tendency to fail miserably more often than it works, 357 357 357 - - - - your friendly neighborhood moderator
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
Yes, I don't recommend mistakes either! Goldth  Wink


Got the roof supports in
[Image: lcyFGr.jpg]

Some signage
[Image: Q4EcIE.jpg]

A very long dock
[Image: tyfrmd.jpg]

An over-all view
[Image: Cco2do.jpg]

The roof over the long dock is going to take a while. I still need to decide on materials. Not sure about metal or rolled roofing.

Darn it!....I keep forgetting about doing the roof trim................ Wallbang  one of these days I guess  Icon_lol

Hope your having a great weekend!
So....How is it that the roof shingles are, coincidentally, NP green..??

Terrific job..!!
Gus (LC&P).
Steamtrains Wrote:So....How is it that the roof shingles are, coincidentally, NP green..??

Terrific job..!!
Now that was just another happy accident Big Grin ......thanks Gus! Thumbsup
Well, I decided on a metal roof for the dock. Luckily the roof, although long, is not very wide , so I just needed single panels.

Here it is after a lot of weathering:
[Image: pKnl5E.jpg]

I still need to add the ridge cap. I will probably use a piece of square stock like I did on the Campbell Mine
[Image: pPYzD7.jpg]

but believe it or not, I don't have the right size piece....and I'm out of corrugated metal.......must make LHS run............. Icon_lol

I did manage to finally install a lamp on one of my builds...of course it is just for show, but it is a start!  Goldth
[Image: 2MJVYB.jpg]

How did you treat the corrugated metal? Did you spray it with dullcote first, followed by gray paint, a la the campbell instructions, or did you do something different? I'll be facing similar choices soon on my Red Mountain Mine.

I may not be a rivet counter, but I sure do like rivets!
ocalicreek Wrote:Steve,

How did you treat the corrugated metal? Did you spray it with dullcote first, followed by gray paint, a la the campbell instructions, or did you do something different? I'll be facing similar choices soon on my Red Mountain Mine.


Definitely spray it with DullCote first. We had a bit of a storm going on when I was doing my roof, and I couldn't take it out to the garage as I usually do to spray I just painted it with a brush using acrylic paint. It was a pain. It was very hard to keep the layers of paint from "peeling" off. Might work better with enamel. If you plan on raising any panels for a beat up look, you will definitely want to do that prior to dullcoting and painting as well.
Hope that helps.

BTW, I would love to see how that project comes along Wink .......I loved working on the Campbell kit. I learned a lot about scratch building techniques doing it. Thumbsup

Beautiful work. I always enjoy seeing your scratch building.

Thank you Larry....I appreciate it! Thumbsup

Glad to see you back working on the layout, I really like the structure and I look forward to more of your progress.
Keep us posted!
Be Wise Beware Be Safe
"Mountain Goat" Greg
Thank you Greg!  Thumbsup  Thumbsup  Thumbsup

Well....I needed a loading dock out in the yard, near the crane. I remembered Wayne"s thread about team tracks.
Starting at the 4th pic:

Here is the only shot of the prototype I have.....not very good unfortunately:
[Image: 2sWyPW.jpg]

You can see that mine is similar to Wayne's with the tie plates and all, but it needs no ramp, and it doesen't need a rail block (since it will be accessable from both sides). If you are going to steal however....steal from the best! LOL  Goldth  Wink Thank you Wayne for the great inspiration!  Thumbsup
[Image: qxI8Jx.jpg]

Here it is spotted in it's eventual home:
[Image: HJFurR.jpg]

This end of the layout is finally starting to look like something  Wink
Still a lot to do though.

Merry Christmas to all  Thumbsup
Thanks for bringing up that old thread, Steve.

The prototype crane which inspired my scene was a travelling one, like yours, but I had picked up a pair of the Kibri cranes for a couple of bucks each, and decided that they were "close enough".
The main reason for the ramps on my loading docks is for delivery of automobiles, or in more rural locales, farm equipment.

It's nice to see you back at work on your layout, although I always thought that it "looked like something". Now it looks like something even nicer. Thumbsup Thumbsup

Sreve, very nice details!
Cheers, Bernd

Please visit also my website
You can read some more about my model projects and interests in my chronicle of facebook.
Thank you for the updates! Keep 'em coming, I was going through withdrawal. Your team track and crane scene looks great, and will likely inspire my own team track when I finally get to it. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, well I plan on plagiarizing the heck out of yours and Wayne's layouts. the first area I am likely to work on is the coal yard, and your trestle was a major inspiration for that.

Wayne..."that old thread" is pure gold, and needs to be bumped up! Thumbsup
Thank you for the encouraging words as well Thumbsup Thumbsup

Bernhard...thank you sir! Thumbsup Thumbsup

Dave...steal away (I always do) Wink
Seriously though, it is always nice to know that my stuff can sometimes be an inspiration for others. Goodness knows that I have been inspired, encouraged, corrected, and energized by many people on The Gauge over the years. Your kind words are greatly appreciated! Thumbsup Thumbsup

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