A real rust bucket
Yes! I remember seing that movie!! I think that was one of Steven Speiberg's first efforts! Great movie. Wasn't that a tanker that was after him?? We have several similar trucks parked around this area, being coal country. I'd like to have one of those bad boys just to play with!!
I only know what I know, and I don't understand very much of it, either.
Member: AEA, American Legion, Lions Club International
Motto: "Essayons"
Yeh' first read the story in Playboy in 1969/70 then was thrilled to see it made for TV.
Still a good movies that has aged quite well.

[Image: bd_7.jpg]
Seeing some thing in the mirror and doing someting stupid even with 18 wheelers yet we all know they can do something stupid and some choose to and let alone at a crossing where a gate basicly says dont do anything dumb and yet they do. Nice pic tho.
Harry Check out my blog at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://newyorkontariowestern.blogspot.com/">http://newyorkontariowestern.blogspot.com/</a><!-- m -->

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