The Hobo Camp Fire Is going well #IX.. Stop In!!!
Good morning all, regular Saturday sleep-in, but wide awake and ready to go.

Tom, they are digging up our neighborhood for fiber, but I can still stay in the 18th century with my crank phones if I switch over. I'm not giving up my landline, I just don't want to have to carry a cell phone with me wherever I go in the house. I have a phone in every room except the bathrooms, so I'm covered. If I do switch, I can get Internet at lightning-fast speeds, plus port my phone over to cover no charge long distance. I have almost 4,000 minutes on my cell phone, accrued at about 120 every month, so you can see how often I use my cell phone to call anyone. My accrued data is down from what it used to be, ever since I got the camera doorbell, it uses data to transmit the images to the cloud and back. Pat says that I need to switch from cable to fiber, "you need the 2 gig download speed", he says. I answer, "why?". So maybe I'm not quite into the 21st century, but close.

Temps still in the low 80's to the delight of baseball fans. Spring Training games started yesterday.

Take care, have a great and safe weekend.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Hello Blue
Just checking in. We have sun with a Hi of 33 for the day. Warmer after. I too rarely use our cell phone. I just take it when we go somewhere. Don't even turn it on. As much time as my wife spends talking on the phone., I couldn't afford the bill. No plans for the day.
TCA.....Detroit3Railers.....Glancy modular layout(Detroit historical Society)
Good evening folks

The saga with the towing company has another piece. The company that handles the towing for my insurance called to give me an update. The shortage yard lost out on the tow to the body shop. The girl I was working with at the company handling the towing for my insurance told me she was going to give the towing to the storage yard until they pulled their stunt on us. She gave it to another company and the storage yard lost out on a $900 tow. As the father of a friend of mine who was a long-haul truck driver told us, “Never annoy the dispatcher. You will find yourself poor quickly.”

We did some running today. We went to my wife’s dentist appointment, the produce store, the hardware store, and out for breakfast.

My glue came today so I am hoping to work on the Ambassador Hotel later. I also want to clear off more of the layout.

I hope everybody has a good evening.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
We still have a landline; in fact, we bought a new set of phones not too long ago (previous batteries were expiring). SWMBO has a cell phone for safety when driving and because she likes the photography feature. I like the land line because it's powered from the phone company (at least, one of them is) in case of a blackout.
We have a set with 5 handsets and locations for only 3 of them.

We are annoyed with the phone company. They own one of the larger TV networks and they've just laid off a lot of staff including a lot of the local newsrooms across the country. There is no longer news at supper time.
Moderato ma non troppo
Perth & Exeter Railway Company
Esquesing & Chinguacousy Radial Railway
In model railroading, there are between six and two hundred ways of performing a given task.
Most modellers can get two of them to work.
Hello Everyone,

We have to the phone jack for a landline but never got a phone for it nor paid to have a landline. I keep saying about it because in a power outage our cell phones won't work unless we leave town because of where we are in the valley.

Today was a beautiful day out, sunshine all day long but other parts had seen snow flurries throughout the day. The temps are now dropping into the high teens to low twenties but supposed to warm up the next few days. We went to my brothers house for a couple of hours and helped with a few things.

Gas is at $3.69 a gallon but if you have perks you can get it cheaper.

Now I am just sitting here putting a couple models together and will let them dry over night and get back at it tomorrow.
I can smell a steam post ten blocks away and when I do clear the tracks because the steam express will be hi ballin through
Good morning good people, there is a problem now days with some landlines. Mine goes out with the cable so it's dependent on a modem that splits the voice-over phone with the Internet. So, although I have a landline, it won't work if I lose power. On the other hand, my cell phone should still work providing the cell tower still has power. I won't have Internet on it, but it's way too small for me to use it for that anyway.

Temps still around 80 with a chance of rain this week. Too much variance between weather guessers to think that it will rain, but we'll see.

As for gas, a few stations have dropped a few cents, Costco and Sam's at $3.07 and that's the best deal on this side of town. There are a few Costco stations on the east side that are at $2.99, but you have to go way out of the area to get lower than that.

Have a great day, don't know what anyone will do, no football, but I'm sure there are other sports to watch. For me, I think I'll spend a few more hours on my pinball machine. I am now in the really hairy part of setting up the flippers and other mechanical things so it's slow and go.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Greetings, gang.

Another sunny day underway outside my window. 31 now going to the low 60s this afternoon. Low 70s for tomorrow.

Yesterday was fairly routine. Did some shopping and picked up a new surround sound. The old one was too old to work with the newer digital tv and internet. I'll get that hooked up today. With the mild weather I'll probably start the yard cleanup this afternoon. Also need to spray some Rustoleum on some angle iron.

Gym rant - I wonder why some guys pay $50 a month to sit in the locker room lounge in their underwear (or less) and watch reruns of Friends.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good Morning

     It is still winter in East Palestine but it will be followed by spring in about 3 weeks.  It is 27° F heading for 47°.  Just a very slim chance for a shower this afternoon. 

     I played with decals yesterday and I am disappointed with the results on the white decal paper. I did not get the background colors dark enough so the results look lousy except the ones with black for a back ground.  The clear decals work great but the inkjet does not put enough in on to make the decal lettering completely opaque so the colors are not true on darker backgrounds.  I am going to see if I can align a sheet and print over one. If I can that may be the answer.  

     I still have about 50 car kits to build and a few will add to my GERN fleet, and I also have 3 Bowser steam locomotive kits to build. I built 2 of these 50 years ago and I hope I can still get the rods done right. My friend DRWayne built the last kit for me and did an outstanding job. I also have the Atlas S-1 to paint as the KJR 7135.

     We got a new ROKU TV yesterday and like Fiat fan our sound bar won't work.  The sound from the TV however is as good as the sound on the old set with the sound bar so there will be one less remote to adjust.  The learning curve is almost unbearable but with Googles help we are figuring it out. It had no sound at all at first until I discovered the volume controls and mute button are on the side of the remote.  (Instructions in this case cam in handy) Icon_e_biggrin

      I am sending a prayer for everyone that we are blessed with healing for the ill.  

      Thanks to everyone for being here. 
Greetings, gang.

38 and clear at the moment. Supposed to get to the low 70s this afternoon. Then another of those infamous fronts comes through tomorrow and the temperature by Wednesday morning is supposed to be a balmy 9. Then back up to 70 by Sunday.

Got the new surround sound hooked up yesterday and it really works nice. Much better than the old one and really works well with my Xbox. It's so much better that I may have to spring for a second one for my other Xbox.

In other news I finished spray painting the angle iron for the park bench. With the mild weather lately I may put it together and set it outside next week. Nothing much on the agenda for today. I do need to call about a couple of minor issues with my new internet provider.

What I have now is what Don described. It's called VOIP or voice over internet protocol. What I just eliminated was called POTS or plain old telephone system. It was the kind that plugged into the wall and still worked even if the power went out since the power for the phone was provided through the telephone line.

All stay safe.

Life is simple - Eat, Drink, Play with trains

Occupation: Professional Old Guy (The government pays me to be old.)
Good morning everyone, kind of chilly and overcast. Yesterday's high was 84, today suppose to be in the mid to high 70's and could rain.

See Tom, not all new technology is good technology. Now our phones are dependent on our own power. Not only that, the box I bought that connected to my landline so Alexa could call 911 if need be, has been rendered useless by Amazon. It worked nicely, but I think they might have encountered some legal stuff and just pulled the plug. Isn't it nice that a manufacturer can go into equipment you own and mess with it like that? I used to have a UPS for backup, but the batteries went south and I never replaced it.

Not much going on this week, I spent quite a bit of time yesterday on my pinball machine assembly. Got a lot of small parts installed but boy, it is slow and go at this point. Cannot afford to miss one part and have it covered over with six more parts, so it needs particular attention to how it's sequenced.

Take care everybody and have a good week.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and
Good morning folks

It is 44 and pleasant with a high of 55.

Unfortunately, my mood does not match the good weather. In a case of bad juju my car, a 2018 Kia Optima, was stolen exactly one week after my wife’s car. My car from what we can find out is the 8th or 9th car stolen in our neighborhood this week. All of them were Kia’s or Hyundai’s. My neighbor heard what happened and saw them drive away. His wife alerted the police. Even with the police notified and on the scene in less than 10 minutes they were not able to find the car. I am currently driving the rental we got for her so I can get to work. I will be picking up the second rental later this week.

Before the incident I had a successful weekend. We picked up the rental car for my wife. The body shop said my wife’s car was in good shape. While there is damage It is minor. My wife and I went out to dinner Friday night, something we have not done in about six months, and it was delicious. Saturday, she had a dental appointment and we stopped for breakfast and then ran to the produce store, Home Depot (didn’t find what we were looking for), and Ace Hardware (where we found what we were looking for). I replaced one of the basement window well covers, and fed the bulbs. Sunday, we took down and stored the Valentine’s Day decoration, and did several loads of laundry and put it away.

My glue arrived Friday and that night and Saturday I finished the Ambassador Hotel. Sunday, I cleared off more of the layout. I put away several locomotives and a bunch of rolling stock. I still have a good bit to do and once I am done, I can place the hotel on the layout.

Tonight, I have no idea what I am going to do. If I have time when I get home I will run my wife over to the body shop so she can drop off the keys so they can reprogrammed once the car is done.

I hope everybody has a good day.
Silence is golden but Duct tape is silver
Ridley Keystone & Mountain Railroad
My Rail Images Gallery
Hi all. well another week has rolled by and the status queen is the same , need to go to Tucson tomorrow for a VA appointment so I could visit the hobby shop to see if they got any flex track in last time we went they only had 2 pieces left need 10 for 4th level , other than that i just finished the coast to coast store. 
stay safe and warm Jim.
Tom, sorry to hear about the thefts of your Kia's.  Do you have keyed or keyless ignition?  I have a 2019  Kia Soul with the keyless ignition.  Kia and my insurance company contacted me last year to advise of the theft problems involving these cars.  Kia at the time offered a steering wheel lock at no charge, your car had to be certain models and years and was sent directly to your home.  I was advised that most of these thefts involved the keyed ignition models and they were using a usb cable to start the cars.  Maybe you can contact your dealer and see if the offer is still valid.  Also I was told by another party that there is a class action lawsuit against Kia and Hyundai  about this problem.

Good Evening,

Wow Tom, I am sorry to hear about your vehicle now. Hopefully they catch those responsible for it and press the appropriate charges on them.

The weather here today was in the low to mid 60's and it was kind of nice. Tomorrow and Wednesday we are to get rain so the plans I did have for outside this week to clean up the yard are on hold until the wet weather passes by.

We had a lazy day today here at home. I didn't do anything until this evening and that was setting up trains and running them for a little bit. I did put the buildings up that are near completion just to add some scenery to it.

Hope everyone has a nice night. Take care.
I can smell a steam post ten blocks away and when I do clear the tracks because the steam express will be hi ballin through
Good morning all, my brain must have thought it was Saturday and I slept almost 9 1/2 hours. Hadn't planned on meeting anyone for breakfast so that worked out just fine.

Tom. sorry to hear about your vehicles. It's a pity when we can't even trust to leave our vehicles unattended in front of our own homes. There is indeed a lawsuit against Kia and Hyundai for the ease in how their vehicles can be stolen and they don't seem to be changing anything.

Finally got my weeds sprayed yesterday, we'll see how they look this morning. I had some in the side yard that were closing in on five feet tall. Now I have to find out when they will come back and clean up things. It didn't rain yesterday, so that was good, maybe tomorrow.

That's it, need to go pick up some ammo I ordered from Cabela's. They've had some at a very good price, but when I would check before I went, they would be out of stock. Sunday they had it even lower, but it went fast. Yesterday I got a "10% off of everything Monday", email, no local stock but I could order it over the Internet. I did, got the 10% off that lowest price plus a military discount, and two hours later, another email said that it's ready to pick up. It came to just over four cents a round, I remember a few years ago paying twenty cents a round and was happy to get it. It was kind of like the pandemic and toilet paper, there wasn't a shortage, but some greedy and senseless folks made it one.

Ya all have a great day, stay warm and stay safe.
Don (ezdays) Day
Board administrator and

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