Well, I got going on the new foundry I was kinda' at a loss on how to build, but after a few hesitant steps (ended up using 5-min. epoxy and CA for this), I got the hang of it, and here's where it's at so far.....

Started by adding a bunch of angular "gluing" tabs to the sides and fronts....
[Image: DSCF2198.jpg]

Then started to assemble the 4 walls...
[Image: DSCF2201.jpg]

Helps to have a nice bunch of tools to help get the job done...
[Image: DSCF2200.jpg]

[Image: DSCF2196.jpg]

Hope you don't mind the mess on the work bench.... :oops:
I am now working on finishing assembly of all four walls and preparing the roof sheeting, hopefully will have most of the assembly done tomorrow...Heading out to WallyWorld to get me some gray primer. Will post pics later...
Gus (LC&P).

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