BOeC layout



Have a great summer

Later 8-)
Those looks like some neat views from the layout, crappy or otherwise.

Have you tried the Helicon focus software, you take a bunch of photos from the same spot focusing on different parts then merge them into one, making one in focus shot.

Have a great summer too!!
Be Wise Beware Be Safe
"Mountain Goat" Greg

What happened to Charle and Oscar? 357

Can you post a general view of your Gare Centrale module. It looks really promising!

Proudly modelling Quebec Railway Light & Power Company since 1997.

Hedley-Junction Club Layout:

Erie 149th Street Harlem Station
mountaingoatgreg Wrote:Those looks like some neat views from the layout, crappy or otherwise.

Have you tried the Helicon focus software, you take a bunch of photos from the same spot focusing on different parts then merge them into one, making one in focus shot.

Have a great summer too!!

Hi Mountaingoatgreg. Thanks for the comments.

I actually looked at it a while back. Like anything else it is another project for another time.
It is difficult to get a picture to look like the way i see it with the naked eye, since the camera
will pick up flaws that I did not see and sometimes creates some as well (especially with the long lense!)

Have a great summer

bdw9535 Wrote:Syl,

What happened to Charle and Oscar? 357


Hi Bruce!

HAHAHA! There is more story coming a bit later (summertime is outdoors time after all..)
Charle and Oscar will go on a trip to Montreal and I think they will have a few adventure getting there.
Same goes for Joe and Zette, CN, VIA, and some other actors...

All the best

sailormatlac Wrote:Can you post a general view of your Gare Centrale module. It looks really promising!


Salut Matthieu. I will try. Place Bonaventure and the hotel on top of it is far from being completed.

A la prochaine.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
Hi there,

Nice looking progress on your Station area. Thumbsup Thumbsup

Building the BC-Rail Dawson Creek Subdivision in H0 scale
Progress is continuing on the layout - albeit slowly - it is summer after all, the primary motivation is the full officicial Ops session coming up this late fall. Same guys that I operate on another layout, experienced guys, which makes things much easier. So all the little snags noted this last spring when I had a few people over putting the layout to its paces are getting rectify. Also made progress on the scenery.
So what's happening in Drummondville you say?

Not much realy. Francois dropped off his friend at the station and is about to leave.
A few minutes earlier a short freight train roll thru and has now cleared the crossing...and strangely enough
has started to slow down...almost like it is about to stop.

Oh well. So Francois climbed in his mint condition VW Coccinelle (bug) and is about to leave..

[Image: Jeudi%2023%20Juillet%20071C.jpg]

Just before backing off he seem to hear a rumble of sort...better go before anothe long train rolls thru..

[Image: Jeudi%2023%20Juillet%20066B.jpg]

Francois leaves the station parking lot and, safely, since he is a cautious driver makes his way out...
only to have to stop due to another freight trains coming in..

[Image: E.jpg]

Yup! No doubt about it. He will be ehre for a while...

[Image: Jeudi%2023%20Juillet%20072D.jpg]

So much for getting home in time for diner...

[Image: Jeudi%2023%20Juillet%20048F.jpg]

It will be a long wait....

Very nice but I must ask is there a switch operation going on there? Due to the pics seen a slow freight passes and as he is ready to leave and approaches crossing I note the box car is back near the crossing Cheers
Harry Check out my blog at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
railroader9731 Wrote:Very nice but I must ask is there a switch operation going on there? Due to the pics seen a slow freight passes and as he is ready to leave and approaches crossing I note the box car is back near the crossing Cheers

railroader9731 that is exactly what Francois is thinking as the freight went by!

As a matter of fact the short freight that previously left has indeed stop. Both signal are indicating STOP (red)
and that train did not make it far pass the crossing.

[Image: Jeudi%2023%20Juillet%20013BB.jpg]

So why did that short freight had to stop?
[Image: Jeudi%2023%20Juillet%20080DD.jpg]

Is there another train coming?
Did Francois made it across and went home?

I don't know anout you but I haven't noticed any lights on the long hood eihter that would indicate
the engine is about to reverse..

[Image: Jeudi%2023%20Juillet%20008CC.jpg]

But then again I haven't notice any lights on the short hood either...hmmmmmmm!
And yes it did stop quite close after the crossing.

[Image: Jeudi%2023%20Juillet%20010EE.jpg]

But then again maybe this is just enough of a mystery for now..

I'm always amazed how your scenery really capture the prototype... it's incredible and you do that with very modest but masterfully used technics. Impressive!

Proudly modelling Quebec Railway Light & Power Company since 1997.

Hedley-Junction Club Layout:

Erie 149th Street Harlem Station
Applause Applause Applause
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