My Grande Valley Railway in the "N"ormal scale
Just took this pic to give a overview of the area I am currently working on.Either side of this area is one big mess (horizontal surface = place to store/stack stuff Wallbang ) Time for a change. :mrgreen:

[Image: layout_newpic.jpg]
Johnathan (Catt) Edwards
"The Ol Furrball"

"I'm old school,I still believe in respect"
I've been cleaning and working on the "N"ormal scale layout for the last week or so.This pic shows roughly 21feet of cleaned ready for more work layout.

[Image: layout_newpic2.jpg]

Another 4'4" of cleaning and the whole 25'6" will be ready for progress. :mrgreen: but there is still another 35' of layout to clean off. Wallbang
Johnathan (Catt) Edwards
"The Ol Furrball"

"I'm old school,I still believe in respect"
Your generous use of space is always impressive. The combination of N scale and plenty of space is perfect implemented.
Isn't funny how fast the stuff gets piled on and how long it takes to get rid of it! Making great progress Catt.

Andy Kramer - modeling the Milwaukee Road in Wisconsin
The Milwaukee Road is alive and well and running in my basement
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I started this layout just about 20 years ago. Then medical problems starting popping up and I could not work on it,then when I got healthy enough to work on it I lost almost all my interest in it.If it weren't for Blue I probably would have lost all interest.

I have resolved to do one thing and that is to stop putting things on the layout because it is handy.Like Andy says it takes a lot longer to clean the junk off than it did to put it on there. :mrgreen: I'm hoping that by this time tomorrow I can post new pics of all this part of the layout de-junked. Eek

(actually most of it is not junk,just projects I was working on and ran out of needed pieces/parts)
Johnathan (Catt) Edwards
"The Ol Furrball"

"I'm old school,I still believe in respect"
When you get done cleaning on that one Catt I got one over here you can clean on! Icon_lol

Sent from my pocket calculator using two tin cans and a string
HA! I don't think I will ever get done with this project. Nope Sad part is I can't blame anybody else for the mess. Wallbang Oh well one more pic I now have 25'6" of cleaned layout to play with. :mrgreen:

[Image: layout_newpic3.jpg]
Johnathan (Catt) Edwards
"The Ol Furrball"

"I'm old school,I still believe in respect"
[Image: Acleanlayout_1.jpg]

[Image: Acleanlayout_2.jpg]

[Image: Acleanlayout_3.jpg]

[Image: Acleanlayout_4.jpg]

Still cleaning Wallbang About 7' to the left of the first picture to do then the real cleaning begins.
I am enjoying this project so I guess that makes it all worthwhile. :mrgreen:
Johnathan (Catt) Edwards
"The Ol Furrball"

"I'm old school,I still believe in respect"
Icon_twisted Icon_twisted "Cleaning", isn't the hard part....... finding another place for all the "stuff" that was on the layout, now, that's a whole different story. :o Wink Wink 357
Just a bit more "open space", and you'll have to call it your "N"ormal Valley Railway in the Grande scale. Wink Wink Big Grin
We always learn far more from our own mistakes, than we will ever learn from another's advice.
The greatest place to live life, is on the sharp leading edge of a learning curve.
Lead me not into temptation.....I can find it myself!
I 've been spending a little time working on the home layout.I haven't really got much done but every little bit is that much more done. :mrgreen: Anyway I thought I would post these 3 pics here to show a little progress. Eek

First up is main street as it looks now.

[Image: Downtown_1.jpg]

Second street (bit blurry the depth sucks)

[Image: Downtown_2.jpg]

A better view of those blury buildings.

[Image: Downtown_4.jpg]

The left or west side of Second St.I have just glued down the sidewalk and will post a updated picture tonight or tomorrow.

[Image: Downtown_3.jpg]
Johnathan (Catt) Edwards
"The Ol Furrball"

"I'm old school,I still believe in respect"
That's a good sized town! Looks great! By the way, I'm still in awe of that elevator.
Ralph said "That's a good sized town! Looks great! By the way, I'm still in awe of that elevator."

Ralph, I am planning on moving the Williams Form building (to the left of the elevator) about 6 " to the left so I can enlarge the elevator and the grain car storage yard.Planning on making new headhouses for the silos and putting some metal grain bins on the right end of the building behind the Gorman Company office and dealership.At this point these are the plans for next spring. Eek
Johnathan (Catt) Edwards
"The Ol Furrball"

"I'm old school,I still believe in respect"
Progress pic for the west side of Second St.One of these days I will get some work done on the east side of the street. Eek

[Image: Downtown_6.jpg]
Johnathan (Catt) Edwards
"The Ol Furrball"

"I'm old school,I still believe in respect"
Two more downtown Bel Aire pics.These are the northside of Main street (M-89) .

[Image: Downtown_8.jpg]

[Image: Downtown_7.jpg]
Johnathan (Catt) Edwards
"The Ol Furrball"

"I'm old school,I still believe in respect"
Really impressive urban streets Thumbsup

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