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  Converting a DC loco to DCC
Posted by: RobL - 12-20-2008, 04:45 PM - Forum: DCC - Replies (6)

I have an old Atlas Classic GP-38 that is a DC loco, not DCC ready... I would like to use this loco on my layout, however, I do not want to do it running as the "one DC loco" allowed by the DCC system... can anyone point me to some tutorials and/or give some advice for preparing a DC only loco for DCC? Ideally I would like the loco to have both control and sound via DCC.


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  40 ford boneyard progress
Posted by: Dave Harris sctchbld - 12-20-2008, 04:21 PM - Forum: Shutterbug area - Replies (73)

OK !!!!!! IT WORKS!!!
Till there is a vehicle forum this will just have to do. 35
Here are a few pics of the progress on the 1/64 ( S scale) hotwheels 40 coupe that is nearing boneyard status.
It still needs the bumpers, wheels & tires on the front, The rear end & trans are built but will not be in place , just placed in the scene when it goes in the diorama. If any of you ever had a 40 Ford you will recognize the "Jump seat" behind the drivers position . If you look close you can see the bell housing of the engine showing thru the firewall with a flywheel & ring gear . ( It's the blue thingie)


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  Forum/thread icons
Posted by: Puddlejumper - 12-20-2008, 03:51 PM - Forum: Forum Problems and Requests - Replies (2)

[Image: Capture.jpg?t=1229809839]

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  Puddlejumper's photo thread
Posted by: Puddlejumper - 12-20-2008, 03:35 PM - Forum: HO Modeling - Replies (39)

Since all my stuff is on the "other" forum it's time for me to start a new photo thread. Here are some pics of my Ten Wheeler for Tom.
[Image: DSCN3355.jpg?t=1229808490]
[Image: DSCN3356.jpg?t=1229808545]
[Image: DSCN3358.jpg?t=1229808577]
[Image: DSCN3360.jpg?t=1229808607]

It's a Spectrum 4-6-0 with some details and a diamond stack added for an old timey look. Still needs some dullcoat, the tender brake wheel needs to be painted, and rear headlight added. Also thinking of adding a slat or boilertube cowcatcher pilot.

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  Should we condense some of the forum choices?
Posted by: Russ Bellinis - 12-20-2008, 02:16 PM - Forum: Forum Problems and Requests - Replies (19)

Looking at the Board index, it seems there is quite a bit of overlap between some of the forums here. It seems to me that the "Depot" and the "Dispatcher's Office" could easily be combined into one forum without loosing anything. I also wonder if "Get to know us" is kind of redundant, it could just as easily be done in "Hobo's Camp." In fact some of the posts in the thread in "Hobo's Camp" are the same sort of posts as are found in "Get to know us." I also think the "Mugshot spot" would function as well as a sub-forum or even a "sticky" in "Hobo's Camp." Just some random thoughts as I peruse the Gauge.

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  How to paint with the best results possible?
Posted by: Trucklover - 12-20-2008, 02:12 PM - Forum: Tips and Tricks - Replies (45)

Hi guys,

For my Shorline Railroad im modeling, M&ET, im going to need to custom paint all 13 switching locos (9 70-Toners, 2 SW1500's, and 2 RP20BD's).

Can i get some tips and techniques to get the best results possible? here is a pic of an example of the paint scheme for the M&ET: http://www.metrr.com/images/metrr01.jpg

Its a fairly simple paint scheme as you can see, but i want to get nice clean and straight lines where the paint changes colors from white to red.....

I will be using Paasche VL Dual action airbrush: http://www3.towerhobbies.com/cgi-bin/wti...LXDD38&P=M with a Paasche Compressor with regulator: http://www3.towerhobbies.com/cgi-bin/wti...LXNBB6&P=7

I just would like to know what kind of techniques you guys use to get good custom painting results..... What masking tape is the best to use?......

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Posted by: ezdays - 12-20-2008, 10:13 AM - Forum: Lower Berth - Replies (24)

I'd just like to kick off the Christmas greetings with a card from our staff here. We do sincerely wish you the best for this Christmas and for the holiday season, but especially, we also wish you a Happy New Year as well.

We thank you all, our friends for having the confidence in us to come here to register and post. If we've given you back your intimate and independed Big Blue train forum back, then that is our Christmas present to you. We are gratified by your reception, and that is your Christmas present to us.


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  Deleting gallery pics
Posted by: Doc Holliday - 12-20-2008, 09:53 AM - Forum: Forum Problems and Requests - Replies (6)

I inadvertently double uploaded a pic to my gallery but can't seem to find out how to delete it. Doctorwayne figured it out but then again he probably went to one of them there Ivy League universities whereas this doc got his diploma by mail.
Can you please let me know how to delete the duplicate pic or at least point me in th eright direction?
Mighty oblidged.

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  MTH loco problem solved
Posted by: jefelectric - 12-20-2008, 09:45 AM - Forum: O/G and Larger Model Railroads - Replies (1)

I had an interesting problem with a loco I had not run for a while. A Railking GP9. I set it on a powered track to charge the battery, since it had not been run for probably a year. After charging for a while I started it up and it sounded and ran good, until it came to the first switch & stopped dead. My first thought was a dirty center rail at the switch. Not so, as it stopped dead again as it hit the switch. My next guess was that one of the contact rollers was not making contact for some reason so I checked between rollers and had perfect continuity. After scratching my head for a bit I checked between wheels of the two power trucks, no continuity. After opening it up, I discovered that the screw that holds the black lead to the front truck was loose. I tightened it and everything is back to Normal. This was one problem I had never run into before. Thought I would share it for what it's worth.

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  Just wanted to say Howdy
Posted by: Doc Holliday - 12-20-2008, 09:21 AM - Forum: Get To Know Us - Replies (2)

I already stopped by the hobo's fire but thought I'd also stop by here. I see lots of familar "faces" as well as lots of ones new to me. I'm a newbie who is very slowly working on my first layout. It's embarassing to think of how long ago I started and how little I've got done. I model HO, circa 1885, somewhere in the mid west. The Bovee And Defiance (BAD) Western is totally fictional and inspired by every western you ever saw, although more by some and less by others. As I said , the BAD Western has sat idle for a while due to a labor dispute with management over working hours. A new contract is being negotiated that wiull hopefully allow operations to resume shortly.


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