Latest progress. I'm thinking of doing the ground cover and adding a backdrop to the staging yard being as it will be in plain sight.
A little more progress. The whitish/grayish areas will be "painted" with chalks to look more like rocks I hope.
Some more of my veryyyyyyyyy slowwwwwwwwww

progress. The last picture shows that of the whole huge whopping 2.5 square feet I still have 2/3's of it to do.

Fast I'm not.
Wow , looks really good !
Just some more progress pics.
The photos are truly excellent, and as far as "looking good" it all operates well.......OK, I am assuming that it still does. I had the opportunity/blessing to spend some time with Mike, some time back, and saw most of the then NM. Brought an N scale train with me, and ran it on the layout.
Mike, it's good to see you still here. It's good to see the progress you have made on the NM.
Thanks guys! Pete hopefully you can get back down this way sometime soon and join in on a regular operating session. However this version of the NM has the more prototypically correct down in the dirt trackage of the mid 60's and wouldn't be kind to a steamer

so bring a 4 axle diesel and you should have no problems!